Jubilant when the crop is in…

The theme of this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge involves jubilation…

Let’s all end this week on a high note, with images that say jubilant.

As seems to be the way every time I participate, my entry isn’t what one might anticipate. Maybe that says something about me — quirky perhaps.  🙂

So this time I’m featuring some photos I took a few years ago, of the sugarcane harvest in north Queensland (Australia). It’s an area where droughts are common and crops are sometimes not so high in yield as hoped. From the planting to the burning off, through to the harvesting and transportation to the mill, the farmer constantly worries about what may be received for a lot of effort and money.

I visited this cane area with a friend who was raised in the area and she said that this farmer would indeed be jubilant as the crop looked to be very high yield.  Yay!

To see other blogger’s examples of jubilation, click here.

25 thoughts on “Jubilant when the crop is in…

  1. Pingback: Jubilant (Monk) | What's (in) the picture?

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