WordPress Photo Challenge: Pure

It’s that time again — the WordPress photo challenge to close out the week. This time the theme is simply : Pure.

Share a photo of something pure — it can be a person, an object, or a moment. “Pure” can convey wholesomeness, something undiluted, or simplicity.

Google tells me a little of the history of the word — “1250-1300; Middle English pur < Old French < Latin pūrus clean,unmixed, plain, pure“. Google knows all.

So one of the photos I present, while not the best in photographic terms with a bit too much glare from the sun, always gives me the feeling of pure. The water, the snow, the ice, the air.  It was taken during a trip to the Pacific NW back in 2012.  A small stream up in Snoqualmie Pass, in the Cascade Mountains east of Seattle. For an Aussie unaccustomed to scenes like this, the cold was far outweighed by the wow factor.


The second shot again gives me the feeling of pure — pure beauty, as Mt Rainier comes up out of a rather gloomy winter vista.  I would never get tired of seeing this from my back garden.
