Where’s Kim?

In the theme of Where’s Wally, I write this thinking about everything that I’ve had come through my life these past few years.

A quick glance at my previous posts shows that I have somewhat dropped off in the regularity of posting that I once provided. 6 months since my last post, at a time when I thought I could get back to posting…well, the thought was there anyway.  Not to make excuses, because that’s life I guess.  It’s the ebb and flow. In addition, I’ve had a serious case of writer’s block. Lots of ideas for posts, but just couldn’t get started.

Here I am, Saturday afternoon in Australia, and thinking of posting.  We’ll see.  For now, I need to get off here, and get my act into gear as I am going to a friend’s home for dinner.

Let’s hope I post tomorrow.

Best wishes, dear “starved for posts” followers. 🙂

Beauty everywhere…

It’s been a while since I last posted.  I’ve got a lot on, and sadly my blog gets neglected. But I thought I’d put this photo up.  I took it at Dickey Beach at sunrise.  The beach is at a town called Caloundra, very close to where I live. There was one solitary surfer waiting for some early morning action, and in time he was joined by a lot more.  The waves arrived as well.


Sunrise – Dickey Beach, Australia

Telling a story with shadows

Well, life continues to take me away from blogging, but I have found some time to get one submitted to the weekly Photo Challenge from Frank at Dutch Goes the Photo.

Shadow is a key attribute of good photos, as it helps paint the scene and set the mood, even more than light will at times.  For good photography, it is important to pay attention to shadows and notice how they help compose the image that we really want to show to the viewer.  An excellent article that goes into how shadow can be used to work the various aspects of a photo So, my challenge to you is to become more aware of shadows; this doesn’t mean that you have to go all serious and deep, as a photo that uses shadow can be playful…

This week the challenge relates to the use of shade in a photo.  Having a glance through my photos I saw the usual ones such as buildings, trees, and landscapes in general.  Then I was reminded of some photos I took some years ago (so the quality is not that stellar) of some school kids involved in an art installation at the Gallery of Modern Art here in Brisbane.  A film of a country scene with some cockatoos flying across the screen. There was a second projector which allowed the kids to use their hands to contribute to that setting. The third photo I think is the best — if you look up into the right hand corner, you’ll see a set of hands and its reflection on the screen.  I watched this for some time, as it was one of the best installations I had seen in a long time.

Click on one of the photos for a better view and more content.

Tuesday Challenge: the Path

I haven’t posted in a few weeks (life has become challenging in other areas and lack of time has made posting scarce).  But I do have some time for a post for the Tuesday challenge from Frank at Dutch goes the Photo!

This week it is: the Path.

I’d like you to photograph whichever path(s) appeal to you.  In the theme of path, I’d like you to think about where the path might lead you; is this a place that you want to get to, or is it one that you want to avoid?  Is this a path that everyone is going to take, or is it just your path?

I thought about the various meanings of the word.  The obvious meaning of a physical thing that leads you somewhere. A footpath, a road, country lane, a grassy path….and so many others in this category. I also thought of the way that certain elements in photos can draw our eyes in a certain direction –> like a path. So my photos are a mix of both ideas.  The last one is from many years ago when I was living in the USA — and whilst not such a good photo, you can clearly see me trying to dig a path out.  🙂