Capturing life…

On Bribie Island where I live, I’ve come to discover that there are a lot of photographers, of varying degrees of skill. The island is well-known for its sunrises and sunsets.  But there are other photo opportunities here as well.  So I came to know of a woman, originally from Germany, but now an Aussie citizen, with an amazing vision when it comes to capturing the environment around her. Not surprisingly, Kathrin Dierich was announced as the July Artist of the month at the local arts centre.  At the launch of her exhibition, she gave a short insight of her work as a photographer and artist (she has had a great year as an artist as well).

Here she is during that talk.  Her photos held my attention for some time. Her discussion and photos have inspired me to improve my own skills.

Weekly Photo Challenge: One Love

This week’s WordPress photo challenge is:

One Love: The universe is telling me to focus on love. What is it saying to you?

There are many connotations that come to mind when one thinks of these words. I’ve always had a rather eclectic view of life, so there are many things that I can associate with “One Love”. The love of a mother (very relevant to me as my aging mother battles the ravages of time); the love of a new day, being up early to welcome the sun once more, and then to say goodbye as it so breathtakingly paints the sky; the love of nature with all of its beauty and mystery.  I could go on and probably end up writing a short book.  But I think you get the idea.

When I saw the subject of the theme, I immediately started humming Bob Marley’s offering of “One Love” ( all the way back in my early youth, during the ’60’s. It’s obviously a popular song to this day, given it has over 89 million views.

So I offer up a selection of photos which are examples of the love I have for life in general, especially nature.


Time to relax…

It’s Christmas Eve here in Australia and come midday, our office will shut up shop until 29/12/15.  Being a hot climate, we don’t have the travel restrictions that friends in the northern hemisphere do at times.  So we can get out and about; the only impediment to a fab time is sometimes the heat. But these couple of photos give an idea of ways to while the time away, getting that all important rest.  Brisbane’s Christmas tree takes advantage of our abundant blue skies — its lights are totally solar-powered (to see the full tree, click on the photo).  So Merry Christmas to all!  Be safe, be happy, and here’s to more posts in the new year.  🙂

Nature’s treats…

This week’s photo challenge from WordPress is simply titled: Treat.

When I first saw the title, I immediately was reminded of a beautiful dog I had years ago — a basset hound called Lou Lou. She loved the treats I would give her, though I made her at least “work” for them — on reflection though, I think she probably worked me over to get them. Anyway, that’s for another post sometime.  🙂

These days one treat for me is to go out into the world and see what life has to show me. I love the little things, which unless we look, we aren’t likely to see. Photography has a way of making one look everywhere, and I’m sure that I probably annoy people at times with my constant stopping to observe nature at work.

Here are some of my treats. Enjoy!