WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Partners

This week’s challenge from WordPress is to show partnership in action.

Whether two of a kind or ten, give us subjects that are in sync with one another — show us partnerships. A pair, a trio, a sextet; people, buildings, plants — whatever you choose to shoot, give us subjects that are in tune with one another.

There are the traditional relationships that one could highlight, but I decided to go with a number in different circumstances. Taking the photos at the time, I certainly wasn’t thinking of this theme, however they all fit well.  As always, please click on a photo for a larger view.

I hope you have enjoyed my photos.  Here are more to see from other bloggers if you are interested.

Weekly Photo Challenge : Curve

This week’s WordPress Photo Challenge is to:

Get inspired by the curves around you. From curves in architecture to bends in nature to man-made undulations, you have lots to work with!

One of the things that changed for me, once I started to become more passionate about photography, was that I looked at the world a little differently.  I noticed things that I hadn’t seen as important or “attractive” in the past.  For example, one of the things I remember to do now, is to always look up when I am capturing a shot, because there is beauty everywhere.  In fact, I took a photo this afternoon that shows the value of doing so — a beautiful gum tree with amazing variations in the colour and pattern of its trunk and bark.

When looking through my photos just now, I soon discovered that curves occur so much in life, both manmade and naturally occurring.   Here are just a few of the many that I identified.

Enjoy!  Here are other bloggers’ examples of curves.


Beauty everywhere

We all have our own ideas of beauty. Here’s a recent example from my camera.

Recently I was enjoying some time at the Southbank parklands, which is a tract of land that was redeveloped to enable the city (Brisbane, Australia) to host World Expo 88 (in 1988). 1788 was the year that the British colonised Australia, and so the Expo was held in conjunction with celebrations around the country.

While walking I decided to take some photos and when I got home, played with the settings just a tad.  I don’t often do that but on this one I think it gave the photo even more character and enhanced its beauty. It was a steamy day, so the misty treatment reflected how one might feel walking around in the high humidity.




Sunflowers pick me up…

I made the weekly trip to my hometown of Toowoomba (Australia) yesterday.  It was a public holiday for the observation of Australia Day, so took advantage of the opportunity to go and spend some time with my ageing Mum.  While there I visited Toowoomba’s Queen’s Park, a large tract of land close to the inner city, that was transformed many decades ago into a beautiful location full of many varieties of advanced age trees and shrubs.  Annually in September, the city hosts its world-renowned Carnival of Flowers, which sees an amazing assortment of flowering plants on show. Even now, 5 months later, the gardens are still blazing with colour.

I took a number of photos, and this sunflower is one of my favourites. Sadly, just as I took the shot, the wind blew and the top was missed, but I still love it. The variations in colour of its leaves reminded me again of the versatility of sunflowers.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  🙂

Sunflower magic