Weekly Photo Challenge: Today Was a Good Day

This week’s WordPress photo challenge is to select and share a series of photographs, and piece together what I consider to be a good day or experience. I’m using a mesh gallery, for the first time, so I hope it works out well.

The photos are from a day I spent driving around the countryside near Boonah and Moogerah Dam, south-west of Brisbane, here in Australia.


21 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Today Was a Good Day

  1. Pingback: Photos We Loved: “Today Was a Good Day” | The Daily Post

  2. Pingback: Perfect Day on the Fringe | litadoolan

  3. This is a tremendous series of photographs Kim ~ a piece of the Australian countryside I have yet to see, but shots like these make me wish to experience them first hand. The mountain peak at the end speaks volumes about the beauty of nature. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • All I do to my photos is adjust the exposure. Sometimes if there is glare I’ll try to fix that. These ones are a few years old, and I didn’t have the software nor know how to do much to them. This is in an area where the only pollution you will get is from the bush fires in the summer – so the skies are blue as they look. In cities, sometimes there’s a grayness to the skies – as I’m sure you would have experienced in some of your large cities.


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